UPPER Mills Bridge on the Stroudwater Canal is nearing completion, and should be ready next month.
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THE emergency closure at Wigan on the Leeds & Liverpool Canal was caused by the collapsed of the retaining structure.
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BRITISH Waterways have outsourced its dredging contract to the marine-based civil engineer Land & Water Services Ltd, with a contract from next month to March 2015.
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SHOULD your boat be above 50 feet, and you want to wind at the bottom of the Oxford Canal it will not cost you £15 as first stated but £33!
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IT IS fairly clear that the problem, which led to the pound between Bedford Staircase Locks and Planet Lock on the Caldon canal having to be drained, had nothing to do with BW maintenance procedures, writes Ralph Freeman.
THE Titford Pump that served the Titford Canal is to be reinstated by its original home on the wharf by Titford Pumphouse at Engine Street in Oldbury.
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AFTER 25 years the gates of Linton Lock were deemed past their 'sell-by' date, and have been replaced.
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THE state of some of the facilities around the waterways has prompted a boater to contact British Waterways, and she waits to see what reply she gets.
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WHEN a taxi driver accepted a fare to Aspley Basin in Huddersfield he took it literally—with his taxi ending in the basin itself!
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WITH complaints about the 'eyesore' pontoons and steel piles along Castle Mill Stream in Oxford, British Waterways is re-thinking its £90,000 scheme.
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