More development on the Leeds & Liverpool Canal
THERE is to be even more development between Leeds and Shipley on the Leeds & Liverpool Canal.
Bradford Council is to form a combined public and private company to develop a £500 millions ‘eco-settlement' by the waterway, with the council's executive asked to agree to the formation of a Joint Venture Company (JVCo) to develop a massive area of land between Bradford and Shipley, Alan Tilbury tells us.
100 acres
The plan is to turn a 100 acres swathe of brown-field land into a development of 'high-quality' homes. with the project being the central section of a wider scheme along the waterway.
Detailed plans for the first homes are scheduled to be completed by the start of 2012 and development should begin before 2013. A business plan will go before the Executive which sets out the terms of the joint venture between Bradford Council and development firm Urbo Regeneration Ltd.
Urbo is also involved with the multi millions pounds scheme by the Chesterfield Canal on the former Arnold Laver wood yard site in Chesterfield.