MANY people took advantage of Castleford Heritage Trust, when it invited the townsfolk to join a series of trips along the Aire & Calder Navigation during the town's annual boat week.
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THERE was a serious accident at Nell Bridge Lock (32) on the Oxford Canal at 6:00pm yesterday (Tuesday) when a teenager was hit by a car on the road that crosses the downstream lock approach.
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WITH the continuing upgrade of towpaths for the use of cyclists, there is an urge for some kind of discipline to both control their misuse and bring some degree of safety.
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THE Friends of Purton—endeavouring to safeguard the hulks on the Severn Estuary—have welcomed the announcement by Stroud Member of Parliament, Neil Carmichael that he intends to chair an open public meeting in order to discuss their future.
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IN VIEW of the present economic climate and the lack of funding over the past few years, it is indeed an achievement by the Droitwich Canals Trust, and more recently, project partners, that its waterway has been restored.
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THE Member of Parliament for the Congleton Constituency, Fiona Bruce, met with members of the Inland Waterways Association to hear their concerns about the future of the waterways.
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LETTERBOXING brings a breath of fresh air into our somewhat strange modern world. We can be ourselves, do our own thing, slow down, let our hair down, be a bit eccentric if we want, writes Doug Maas.
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EIGHT years after it was demolished as being unsafe, Long Horse Bridge over the Trent at Derwent Mouth is to be replaced.
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WE ARE receiving reports of vandalism of the bank of the Keadby & Stainforth Canal—that we have actually witnessed ourselves—obviously done for angling.
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