Dangerous liaisons

Published: Friday, 01 October 2010

IN RESPONSE to the words of Michael Shefras I cannot believe that anyone could even begin to think of combining the Environment Agency with British Waterways, writes Pam Pickett.

Certainly not handing over anything as important as that flood prevention currently dealt with by the Environment Agency to any without the necessary skill and experience to deal with this, whatever ‘umbrella' they are to come under!

Huge swathe

It isn't only lockies, boaters and towpath users involved here,.  It's also a huge swathe of residential properties at risk if this unholy alliance is to go ahead. Time now to look not at the ‘bigger picture' but at the 'long-term picture', and to draw back from the abyss before the loss of those Environmental Agency workers skilled in dealing with our rivers, results in certain floods, the cost of which believe you me will far outweigh any assumed saving!

Perhaps a time for our insurers to pro-actively ‘squeak' before they are then expected to bear the brunt!