Both ends of Huddersfield Narrow having problems
IT WAS on Saturday that Lock 1W was closed on the Huddersfield Narrow Canal.
And now it is Stanley Dawson Lock, (1E) that is closed due to lack of water levels at the other end of the waterway, Keith Gudgin reveals.
Can be rectified
To remedy this, stop planks have been inserted and work is taking place so that the problem can be rectified, Canal & River Trust advises.
On Saturday it was problems with the paddles that caused the stoppage with Lock 1W, but no intimation of whether these have yet been rectified.
Altogether since the season started there have been five closures on this canal in less than a month with Lock 29E having a ground paddle problem, Lock 28W with two paddles out of order, Lock 11W with lack of water, Lock 1W also with paddle problems, and the latest 1E (pictured) with lack of water level.