Life-saving throw-lines for the Trent

Published: Monday, 07 October 2019

THE death of a boy in the Trent has prompted a paramedic to design throw-lines being installed all along the river.

It was paramedic Duncan McCondach, from Nottingham, who came up with the idea after 12 years old Owen Jenkins drowned at the weir at Beeston, while attempting to save a friend, Alan Tilbury reports.

Throw line40 installed

There have now been 40 such throw-lines installed, funded by donations, and he wants to 'saturate' the banks of the river with them.

The long orange ropes can be thrown out to anyone in difficulty in the river, for them to clutch and thus be pulled in to the bank.

Familier with them

In addition to the ropes by the river, they will also be kept in such as cafes and clubs along the Trent, so people will become familier with them., with Duncan warning:

"I don't think people understand the dangers of the river and there needs to be more education. They are preventable deaths. Owen's death made me realise I have this idea and needed to put it into motion."