BOATER Bernard Richardson, mooring on the Llangollen, now wishes he hadn't moored under a tree, as it fell and damanged his narrowboat.
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THE owner managed to escape from this narrowboat when it suddenly sank in the Lee near Bow Bridge at Bromley-by-Bow.
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THERE is no doubt that narrowboatworld is very well read indeed, and easily deserves the slogan that it is the voice of the waterways, especially in view of its host of contributors and complete independence.
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SUCH is an MP's concern about the condition of Chasewater Reservoir, that he has written to the Prime Minister about its danger to people and homes.
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THOUGH there was hope that the Wendover Arm Trust could still mount its festival this year, there is now no chance.
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IT'S ANOTHER canalside 'vision', this time in Driffield, but like many such visions before it, with no canal.
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YESTERDAY afternoon (Thursday) the narrowboat Stepping Stone sank just as it reached its marina on the Leeds & Liverpool Canal.
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ONCE again the swing bridge at Fool's Nook on the Macclesfield Canal will be out of action.
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HAROLD SPENCER who we reported missing has now been found drowned in the Leeds & Liverpool Canal.
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A BOATER was injured after a coping stone collapsed at Fradley services on the Trent & Mersey Canal, so there is now no water available.
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