POLICE divers are now searching the Leeds & Liverpool Canal at Linacre Lane Bridge in Bootle near Liverpool for a missing man.
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With the tragic accident of the lady going over the stern rail, which is the second such accident you have reported, isn't it about time the Boat Safety Scheme included inspection of the stern fender? Writes James Henry.
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IT IS approaching that time of year when BW moorings customers take a sharp intake of breath waiting to receive notice of how much our mooring fees will go up next year, writes Simon Robbins.
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IT WAS way back in May 2006 that British Waterways sent in the 'heavies' to clear Castlemill Boatyard on the Oxford Canal of its inhabitants, as it wanted all the people off the site to be able to sell it for development, yet after nearly four years it still remains empty, Alan Tilbury reveals.
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ADRIAN HOWD and his wife Caroline were pleased to get a Thames side house, even though it cost just under two millions, but not so pleased now.
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COUNCILLOR Ann Denham is concerned about the Huddersfield Narrow Canal and how the cut in grant to British Waterways could affect it.
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A CORRECTION is needed to one element in Teddy Thornhill's email (Could have saved), writes Allan Richards.
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AN OLD 1917 built wooden boat couldn't take the punishment of being struck so often by hire boats, that it has sunk, leaving its owner without a home.
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THERE is an attempt to slow down vehicles on Deepdale Lane by the side of the Trent & Mersey Canal to keep them out of the waterway.
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