THE All Party Parliamentary Waterways Group (APPWG) has been recalled by its chairman, Rt Hon Alun Michael MP, and will be meeting today, 31st October 2012, to review governance and funding issues relating to British Waterways move to the third sector as the Canal & River Trust.
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AN APPLICATION to the Heritage Lottery FundĀ by Friends of Gloucester Waterways Museum for money to repair the oldest steam dredger has proved successful.
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AN INSURANCE company is warning boaters to look after their possessions on their boats as there is 'low life out there'.
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THE Three Rivers District Council is to donate half of the money required to restore a traditional narrowboat at present moored at Rickmansworth.
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WITH a weir on the Thames protecting Appleton, the residents are up in arms after being told it will no longer be operated by a lock keeper but will be automatic.
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FOLLOWING hard on the heels of the news of a man severely beaten and thrown in a canal and two teenagers found drowned in another, is the news of a young schoolgirl raped on a canal towpath and a armed gang attacking a man on another towpath.
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THE Mug Tug is a paint-a-pot studio in a narrowboat moored at Barton Marina, and its owner is encouraging people to wear pink to support its fund-raising programme for a breast cancer charity.
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ON A visit to Burnley this week Prince Charles took to the Leeds & Liverpool Canal towpath in the town when he visited the Weavers Triangle.
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IT SEEMS all is not lost over the Lapal Canal as Sainsbury's agreed a meeting with members of the Lapal Canal Trust.
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