More problems with Moss Swing Bridge
I HAVE to congratulate John Lloyd on managing to operate Moss Swing Bridge on the Leed and Liverpool, writes Stan King.
We reached it last year and were completely defeated by it, and the instructions.
In the end we had to call the help number displayed at the bridge, and a very helpfull young man eventually arrived and showed us how (did it all actually) to open the bridge.
Key has to be removed
As to the key which has to be removed from the control cabinet and moved to the bridge control without dropping it in the canal! . Words escape me.
That produced some useful information. The bridge is not designed or maintained by Canal & River Trust. It is the responsibility of the developers of the housing estate to which it provides access.
Goodness knows what chaos will ensure when the housing estate is built, and 69 houses want to use the bridge, and traffic is held up while boaters scratch their heads and try to open and close the bridge, or as John Lloyd points out, when there is and emergency.