Work starts on new Mercia Marina development this month
WORKS will be commencing on the new office building and toilet block in July.
This will continue through to the end of the year. The office building site is situated next to the vehicle gate and block 1, with the toilet block located by the cut behind the chandlery.
The Office building will provide a temporary home for The Willow Tree Tearoom from Spring next year, whilst the Marina office will relocate temporarily into offices in the Boardwalk building. (Pictured.)
The Promenade Development was granted planning permission for variations to the design, and is intended to commence works.
In the meantime...
Look out for more live music on the bandstand in July as well as the Willington PPG Cake and Bake Stall, Wayne Chesterman’s Birds of Prey on the bandstand and of course Findern Village Fete on the 5th July from 12pm to 4pm.
On the 7th July there is Cake and Bake Stall 10am to 2pm; 13th July Derby Serenaders 12pm to 3pm; 27th July Duet Sophie and Lauren 1pm to 3pm.