JOHN BRUM spent three months and over £400 constructing a wooden duck house to float on the Stroud Canal without first discovering if it was allowed.
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THE auction of land by British Waterways in Mirfield by the Calder & Hebble Navigation is causing concern about access.
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THE Environment agency has announced that it is to increase its boat registration charges next year.
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THE plans by British Waterways' Head of Boating, Sally Ash, to control residential moorers on the Lee & Stort Navigations have been abandoned.
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The Inland Waterways Association walk along the Montgomery Canal last week-end raised nearly £400.
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BRITISH WATERWAYS has made a planning application to bolt a rubber fender to the lock structure to protect its botched brickwork on the unique Grade ll Listed locks on the Regents Canal at Camden Town, writes Del Brenner.
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FRIENDS of the Gloucester Waterways Museum have arranged talks this winter in Coots Conference Suite adjacent to the Museum.
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We recently started to work up the Bosley locks following another private boat, but we got as far as the second lock and found that in front of the boat in front of us were two hire boats from a local hire fleet on the Macclesfield.
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THIEVES are targeting outboard boat engines on the Bridgewater Canal, the latest taken this week.
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THERE is further delay for the completion of Long Horse bridge over the Trent at Derwent Mouth.
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