Rules for cyclists
WITH the continuing upgrade of towpaths for the use of cyclists, there is an urge for some kind of discipline to both control their misuse and bring some degree of safety.
Regular readers will be well aware of the problems caused by racing cyclists to other users of the towpaths, and now boater Martin Brooks has suggested to the National Association of Boat Owners that as cyclists are here to stay there should be some rules.
He suggests that all cyclists using British Waterways' towpaths are reminded that pedestrians have priority. Cyclists must slow down to walking pace (maximum 4mph) when encountering pedestrians, animals, moored boats and anglers.
That it is the cyclists' sole responsibility to avoid collisions, in the event of a collision the cyclist will be held responsible at all times, and so it is essential that cyclists are insured against any third party claims that may arise.
Richard Carpenter, General Secretary of the association agrees that it is of concern, and intends to publish the suggestions and brought it up at Crick Boat Show.