Stay out of inland waters this summer

Published: Monday, 22 July 2024

THE Monmouthshire & Brecon Canal Trust is telling people to stay out of the inland waters during the summer holidays.

This warning is given to prevent injuries and drownings, Janet Friend reports.

Most popular time

Summer is the most popular time for people to visit Wales’ canals and rivers, and Glandŵr Cymru, the Canal & River Trust in Wales, which cares for four different canals across Wales is expecting many of its waterways to be popular this year.

However, it is stated that 63% of all drownings in 2023 occurred at inland waters such as canals, rivers, lakes, quarries and reservoirs and the trust wants people to enjoy the waterways safely.

83% of the accidental deaths in 2023 were male.

When the weather gets warmer people sometimes get into difficulties after jumping into the canals and rivers to cool down.

Richard Joyce at Glandŵr Cymru, explained:

Excellent places

“Spending time on or by one of our canals in Wales is a lovely way to spend a summers' day and they are excellent places for families to explore during the warm weather.

“But it’s also important that people, especially children and teenagers, are aware of the dangers of cooling off by going for a dip. The consequences can be devastating.

“Inland waterways can look really inviting but you can’t tell what is below the surface.

“Even if you are familiar with a stretch of water, it doesn’t mean there aren’t risks. Everyone is welcome to the waterways this summer, but please keep to the waterside or take part in one of our paddle-boarding sessions.”

Float to live

Advice if you do end up in the water and find yourself in difficulty, remember Float To Live:

Tilt your head back with ears submerged
Relax and try to control your breathing
Use your hands to help you stay afloat
It’s okay if your legs sink, we all float differently.