Still unable to fix Ribble Link stoppage

Published: Thursday, 11 July 2024

THERE is still no progress on the Ribble Link stoppage problem.

The latest reason given is that it is 'due to the complex repair required and factors such as changing tides', Keith Gudgin reports.


With Canal & River Trust telling 'due to the complex nature of the gate and tidal considerations, we are unable to provide a definitive start date for the repair works at this time. These repairs are intricate and require thorough planning'.

We were told back in June 'the teams, alongside our specialist contractors, are currently developing a method to repair the seals'.

But Tony Dunkley pointed out the Ribble Link has been unnecessarily closed to navigation because of what the Canal & River Trust is calling 'a damaged seal on the Tidal Stop Gate lock, which is preventing operation'. He adding:

'Not only is this closure unnecessary, but the reason given is complete nonsense, and serves only to demonstrate yet again its incompetence.

No such thing

There is in fact no 'Tidal Stop Gate Lock' anywhere on the so-called Ribble Link, or anywhere else for that matter! There is, however, something known by professional competent Harbour, Port and Navigation Authorities as a Half-tide Gate (or Barrier).'

The stoppage was on the 24th June, and this is the third notice from the trust, yet no progress has been made so a 'down' passage cannot be made.