Robot shark developed to clean the waterways

Published: Friday, 05 July 2024

A ROBOT has been developed that will 'swim' along the waterways to clean-up litter.

The robot has been developed in the Netherlands and is the first of its kind to be used in this country on the waterways.

SharkRobotAs it 'swims' along, driven by batteries, it can scoop up and hold 500kg of litter from the water through a wide 'mouth', it gleaning the name of the Waste Shark.

Introduced the robot

It is the Leeds Waterfront Group that has introduced the robot to this country, using it to scoop up litter from the city's waterways.

It having a big wide mouth which it opens to 'feed' the litter and waste that get caught up as it moves along.

It is equipped with GPS and a camera to avoid collisions and guided by remote control by an operator from the banks.

It is of particular use at getting rid of litter that wildlife could digest that could be harmful.

It is understood the technology is approved by Canal & River Trust.