Leeds & Liverpool flights will only have limited operation

Published: Tuesday, 19 October 2021

THOUGH pumps were brought in at the breach on the Leeds & Liverpool Canal they are not sufficient to allow the closed flights to reopen.

Not sufficient enough to supply

It was the breach of the navigation at Rishton between bridges 109 and 110 that closed the four flights from Barrowford to Wigan on Monday 11th October, but the pumps have not been sufficient enough to supply the flights with enough water to allow navigation, Keith Gudgin reports.

We are told that more equipment will be arriving and it is hoped to be able to be pumping water past the breach towards the end of this week.

Limited operation

Not until the water levels have stabilised will it be possible to reopen the flights, but then only for a limited operation.

It is not known how long the 'limited operation' will last as it is not known how well the pumps will perform, but with our being told the breach could take until Easter to repair, it does not look promising.