Cyclists take exception

Published: Thursday, 02 April 2020

Whilst agreeing with much of Steve Walton’s sentiments [Allowed to walk the towpaths] in different times in the summer and with good weather, along with many others often sit out on the towpath, writes Martin Howes.

I do not consider this to be my exclusive right, but the only people who seem to take exception to this are cyclists who seem to have a sense of entitlement to blast along at breakneck speeds on what is a footpath.

To little effect

In fact, CaRT do request cyclists to dismount and walk on busy towpaths, generally to little effect on lots of cyclists.

Obviously in the current circumstances sitting out is not an option, but similar consideration is not always forthcoming from other users.  Lots of people seem to have discovered their local waterway for ‘exercise’ to the detriment of any of the other advice.

(Martin Howes Nb Ashted)