A BOATER, on his narrowboat moored by the side of the Oxford Canal alerted the emergency services to a fire at the nearby nature reserve.
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ONCE again the Standedge Tunnel & Visitor Centre will be launching it's month long celebration of local art with it's third ‘Artsfest' event.
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I HAVE over the last few weeks watched with great interest the debate on cyclists, I have in my own experience seen some horrendous use of the towpaths by these errant cyclists, writes Frank Hurst.
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WITH the advent of a speeding commuting cyclist hitting one our our columnists whilst working a lock, the danger of the mix of cyclists and pedestrians has been highlighted once again.
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WITH just over a week before British Waterways closes down the Leeds & Liverpool Canal from Wigan, the town was flooded!
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WORK on the restoration of the Lichfield Canal, is continuing with the completion of Lock 25 bywash.
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THE PLANS for the extension of the Llangollen Canal at Trevor and a new marina have had the backing of over 2,000 locals.
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A BOATER using an unlicenced boat on the Thames has been taken to Court which cost him £350.
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THE boater who was hit by a falling tree on the Grand Union Canal, as reported in narrowboatworld has died.
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THERE'S a new bridge over the Severn in Worcester, but stretching from bank to bank there are no pillars for boaters to negotiate.
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