A BOATER using an unlicenced boat on the Thames has been taken to Court which cost him £350.
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THE boater who was hit by a falling tree on the Grand Union Canal, as reported in narrowboatworld has died.
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THERE'S a new bridge over the Severn in Worcester, but stretching from bank to bank there are no pillars for boaters to negotiate.
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NEXT week sees the start of another 260 yards of the Chesterfield Canal towpath transformed into a cycleway.
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EMPLOYEES at Unite Modular Solutions in Stonehouse were so disgusted at the state of the towpath by the Stroudwater that they volunteered to clear it.
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THREE fundraisers training for a 125 miles charity walk have been beaten-up on the towpath of the Huddersfield Narrow Canal.
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THERE are questions that really need answers from British Waterways about the imminent closure of 60 miles of the Leeds and Liverpool canal but everyone knows there won't be any answers, writes Lesley Carter.
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A BOAT on the Thames exploded yesterday (Monday) afternoon, resulting in an elderly couple being rushed to hospital with burns.
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BOATERS more used to the normal revolting scrawls of the so-called graffiti artists will be impressed by the apes, frogs and gladiator which have appeared recently.
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THWAITE MILLS, an historic drying shed on the Aire & Calder has been restored by Leeds City Council.
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