SUSTRANS, the people promoting the change of use of towpaths into cycle tracks give the specifications of a mix-use track by waterways, yet upgraded towpaths fall way below the width required.
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WITH the waterways minister again stating BW and the EA waterways be included together in a 'third sector', there is a worry about flood defences which could affect navigation.
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BRITISH Waterways is on the lookout for a committed individual to help keep the varied fauna and flora along the Llangollen Canal in good order.
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I am having a real problem this summer and it is all down to lycra louts on the towpaths, writes Amy Dickerson.
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HARD on the heels of boaters being burned by a gas cylinder fire on the Thames, two more boaters have been burned, and are in hospital after another explosion caused by a portable gas cylinder
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It was only last week that we stated there were nearly 100 photographs in our new State of the waterways category in our Gallery—now there are 109!
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THE Buckingham Canal Society at its Lock Ransom Weekend at Cosgrove Lock on the Grand Union Canal had their own method of slowing down the cyclists.
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IT'S STARTED—the new Government's assault on the money-wasting quangos, with the Inland Waterways Advisory Council the first waterways related one to go.
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THE man who has connection with the sex attack on a young woman on the towpath of the Leeds & Liverpool Canal has been named.
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