IF IT had not been for engineer Mike Clarke seeing the state of a railway retaining wall, a train could well have landed in the Grand Union Canal at Linslade.
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THE death of a woman found drowned in the Grand Union Canal at Leicester was not suspicious, an inquest has heard.
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FOR those of you absolutely narrowboat crazy, you could go the whole hog and even be buried in a coffin the shape of a narrowboat.
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THREE boats were destroyed by fire at Bordesley Basin on the Grand Union Canal in Birmingham this week.
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IT WAS announced this afternoon (Friday 24th June) by British Waterways that agreement has been reached in principle for The Waterways Trust to merge its operations with the planned new waterways charity (NWC) when it is established next year.
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IT WAS quite an interesting cruise for those on the Grantham Canal Society trip boat, when its gearbox locked in forward gear.
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A HIRE boater grounded his cruiser at Urquhart Castle on Loch Ness, and caused mayhem, by having emergency services attend, and then nearly drowned two crew members.
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BOATERS who have cruised the Leeds & Liverpool Canal in recent years will be well aware of the sprawling housing development along its banks, with more on the way.
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I cannot help thinking that the best days of boating are over. British Waterways as a charity will be even more cash hungry.
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