Boatyard fined £50,000 over boaters' death

Published: Wednesday, 26 September 2012

THE boatyard, Worsley Dry Docks Ltd, on the Bridgewater Canal had been fined £50,000 over the death of a boater who fell from the boarding plank of his boat whilst in dry dock, Alan Tilbury reveals.

Richard Ferris fell from the plank that was across the gap between the dock side and his boat, hitting the concrete floor and dying is hospital later the same day in May 2010.

Not secured

Worsley Dry Docks Ltd, was prosecuted by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) after an investigation discovered that the gang plank across the gap was not secured.

Richard had taken his narrowboat to the dry dock to undertake blacking of the hull, with Manchester Crown Court being told that he stepped on to the plank from his boat to the dock side when it slipped, and he subsequently lost his balance and fell.

Have hand rails

The HSE investigation found Worsley Dry Docks had failed to provide suitable access to users of the dry dock to allow them to move safely to and from their boats. All the planks at the dry dock now have hand rails, and these are properly secured before being used.

The company was fined £50,000 and  £15,185 in prosecution costs.