How much does enforcement cost?

Published: Wednesday, 26 September 2012

IT WAS  Canal & River Trust, Enforcement Team Leader Paul Griffin, who stated he had '22 enforcement officers' at his disposal, with John Wilkinson asking the cost, but having no reply, now reiterates:

As you have made various statements on this site regarding the activities of the 'enforcement' team you manage, may I assume that you actually read the contents of narrowboatworld?


Making this assumption, would you like to tell me why, as the person apparently solely responsible for this operation, you have ignored the questions I recently put to you here regarding the various costs, to the taxpayer, of your team and the actual amount of money that it recoups?

My apologies if you did not see my original questions so, in case you missed them, I'll ask them again:

The costs

1) How much do your 22 'Enforcement Officers' and support staff (including yourself) cost the taxpayer (ie. me) per annum? This figure, suitably broken down, should include:

  • Salaries (including any overtime).
  • Equipment, such as uniforms, mobile telephones, VHF radios, vehicles, craft, fuel etc.
  • Section 8 costs, including craneage, removal and disposal of craft.
  • Court costs involved in bringing alleged miscreants to justice.

2) How much, in net revenue per annum, is obtained from the activities of your team?

N.B. I ask for actual 'per annum' figures.

Real figure

I want to know, so please, to quote the late great Kenneth Williams, 'Stop messin' about', and put the real figures in the public domain! If this is, as it should be, a well thought out, fully audited and properly organised operation, what have you got to fear? Thank you.