Ilkeston will get through

Published: Wednesday, 22 August 2012

PROVISION is being made for the horse-drawn traditional narrowboat Ilkeston to get through Camden, notwithstanding the towpath closure, Lester May writes.

Further to my message sent on 17th August, I am pleased to report that Sam Thomas, London Maintenance Manager for Canal & River Trust, has advised the following in an email message to me:

Towpath open

'Just a brief note to let you know the towpath will be open to enable the boat Ilkeston to pass unhindered while pulled in the traditional manner (on Thursday 23rd August).

I hope you get to see this historic event as it passes by Royal College Street at around 1100 on 23rd August.

So, all's well that ends well. I have thanked Sam Thomas for his quick and timely action (I understand he is standing in for Jon Guest, London Canals Manager, who is on holiday).