Email: Trying to give help

Published: Thursday, 29 September 2011

There is quite a lot I could say about the email 'Ashamed', but maybe it is enough to make comment that anyone could be so critical of anyone who is trying to give any help whatsoever to a fellow citizen, must have a pretty jaundiced view of life.


I am sure no one will be forced to accept help! If the problem is that it is being done under the auspices of a Christian organisation which the letter seems to imply, I believe this country has laws whereby we may not discriminate in matters of race, colour or creed.

I cannot but help think of the hatred stirred up in Germany in the 1930's by the anti semetic views which so damged the Jewish people. Surely as boaters most of us enjoy a peaceful life where we are tolerant to all, and would give a helping hand to anyone in need ?

I am quite sure there are boaters who flout the British Waterways rules concerning mooring, licensing etc. but that is another matter and certainly needs sorting out. I can assure the writer there are many Christian boaters on the waterways, and I would like to think that any of us would give a helping hand to anyone in need regardless of race, colour or creed.

Anne Sibley