Police tackle towpath cycle rage

Published: Sunday, 22 August 2010

THE police are so concerned at cycle rage on the Lagan towpath that officers on cycles are patrolling the waterway.

This is the result of numerous reports of inconsiderate behaviour from some cyclists towards pedestrians with whom they share Northern Ireland's 11 miles combined cycle and pedestrian towpath.

Speeding cyclists

Pedestrians, as is now occurring more and more in this country, are being upset by the behaviour of speeding cyclists yelling at them to get out of their way.

Police are now patrolling the towpath to raise awareness of the need for considerate behaviour, and warning that although the route is part of the National Cycle Network, it is pedestrians who have the right of way.


Police officers on bicycles will team up with staff from Sustrans and other partner agencies to issue leaflets and advice to cyclists and walkers.

A police spokesman explained:

"We simply want to encourage everyone using the towpath for leisure, whether for walking, running, exercising their dogs or cycling, to show courtesy to other users."

Patricia Wallace from Sustrans stated:

"We welcome this initiative to promote safe shared use of the Lagan Towpath. We want to encourage good use of the bell."