Middle Level news

Published: Wednesday, 29 January 2025

UNLIKE THE Canal & River Trust, there have been no main boating season stoppages on the Middle Level waters throughout last year, writes Kelvin Alexander-Duggan.

There have been no major problems and any smaller problems have been quickly sorted. Even at this time of year boating is possible if you allow for changing water levels and rolling waves on the wider section of the waterways. The main thing to watch out for is the wind which has been quite blowy. If you do plan to go out check your insurance first as some may require that the boat stays within the marina in the winter months. For most of last year and the start of this the Red flags have been up on the Nene, Great Ouse and the Cam.

New fees 2025 26 MLC2Navigation fees for 2025/26

This year there is a small rise of 3% on the navigation fee for the coming season. Since the decision by the Navigation Advisory Committee to move away from mirroring the Environment Agency fees and its 8% increase. As the Committee feel that that staff have sufficient experience now to form their own assessment. This does not change or threaten the Anglian Pass partnership. For the average 57ft narrowboat this is a increase of £39 per year. Visitor licence fees for 2025/26 will be determined next month.

New fees 2025/26 Middle Level Commissioners

The local boaters have appreciated the efforts to make incremental, modest and affordable improvements in the Middle level system.  The committee do recognise that there is some way to go, particularly in terms of facilities and moorings. With the drop in the link between the ML and EA charges, this may see a increase in the number of registered vessels bringing in additional income. Moorings at good prices are currently available at all three marinas.

The Middle Levels are facing major investment requirements ahead in terms of lock gate replacements and managing navigation depth. As this programme of investment becomes more mature, the committee will share and model what it may mean for fees over the medium term.

Improvements and new facilities

A new water point is now available at the Middle Level Office visitor moorings next to Foxes Marina on the Old River Nene near March.

New water points are to be installed at both Stanground and Salter’s Lode Locks.

The Middle Levels have a small budget available for moorings on MLC land. Supported by boater feedback, they have earmarked some of this to turn Ramsey Forty Foot rural mooring into a permanent mooring.

This budget may also need to be reallocated if, for example, gate replacements need accelerating or they have need to increase their licensing regulatory and enforcement activity if some of the layabout freeloaders kicked off CRT waters around London turn up.

What improvements would you like to see?

The Middle Level welcome feedback and ideas from the licence holders and this helps the discussion and decisions of the Navigation Advisory Committee. You can contact them via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This will help develop a five years Business Plan for the Middle Level Navigation with user input and consultation. As a small organisation they have resource constraints that limit their ability to drive this forward and would welcome boating community support.

Marmont Priory Lock

Marmont Priory Lock had its lower gates replaced last year, but they have proved to be somewhat troublesome in operation. Various fixes that have been attempted during last season have only temporarily improved matters. So from the 29th January 2025 until 16th April 2025 the lock will be closed to allow the lock chamber to be dewatered, remove the gates, diagnose the problem, rectify and then reinstall the gates.

Town Bridge, March

Long overdue repairs to the underside of the bridge arch are currently taking place. The works are planned to only take place during the working week, so there will be weekend access to FDC’s Mooring’s Facilities Block. In the unlikely event of a weekend closure, such notification will be given 48-36 hours in advance, providing that the council contractor remember to inform the Middle Level. The division route is via the 40ft and 16ft rivers on weekdays, If your boat height is less than 5ft 6in the shorter 20ft river route can be used.

Kelvin Alexander-Duggan B.Sc M.Sc Ph.D MBCS AMIEEE Geophysicist.