New moorings and village for the Weaver

Published: Thursday, 30 January 2025

 THERE HAVE been new details given over plans to create a marina and 83 homes at the Northwich Weaver Shipyard.

This is five years since the plans were first submitted, reports Alfred Overton.

WeaverDevelopmentCheshire West and Chester planning departments first approved an outline planning application for the site at the boatyard back in 2020, though there was opposition from local councillors and local residents at the time.


But it all stalled pending the signing of a section 106 agreement—a legally binding contract between councils and developers which establishes under what conditions construction can go ahead. It has now been signed, adding more details.

Now that outline permission is secured, a 'reserved matters' application has now been made that adds more details regarding specific appearance, layout, scale and landscaping.

The proposals now include the construction of a marina facilities building, the development being a partnership between Canal & River Trust and the private development company Bloc—that is told includes a structure that would give services for the existing marina business and include improved mooring opportunities within the marina and along the  Weaver frontage.