It doesn't look too good for the waterways

Published: Saturday, 28 December 2024

I MUST say, that the New Year doesn't look too good as far as our waterways are concerned, writes T. Lang.

All this doom and gloom that we are getting from both the trust and the associations certainty does not paint a good picture, especially with threats of having to close down waterways.

I have to say that this year hasn't been so good either, as our plans for our cruises had to be changed time and time again as such as 'busted cills' (a new one on me) and the like left us with long stoppages on the routes we had first chosen.

As someone pointed out in your columns, the northern canals are getting to be a no-no, clearly shown by the never ending stoppages, and the long Wigan Flight stoppages putting the kibosh on the Leeds & Liverpool Canal, coupled of course with the all too often swing bridges not swinging (A good article by Victor pointing out how they break, are repaired, then break again) will put anyone off.

Then there's the Huddersfield Narrow and its breakages and now not even being able to get onto it from the south as the connecting Loco Lift Bridge between it and the Huddersfield Broad cannot be repaired in what you call a saga. I call it a pantomime—with it being told that so and so is the problem, then it is not, and repeated time and time again, until it seems they have given it up as a bad job as it has been shut for five weeks whilst they mess about. And this of course after that 'vital inspection'.  A 'pantomime' doesn't cover it.

One thing is very much for sure and that is there will be fewer boats on the waterways in 2025, and I have heard of many who have given up.

Not sure if the threat of having to close down waterways if they don't get more money will have much effect on this new government.

Especially if they are aware of that (stupid) statement from Canal & River Trust that it will be sell-sufficient in so many years...  Not the way it spends its cash it won't be.