What a mess
WHAT a mess indeed as such an amount of debris including large piles of driftwood are piled-up against Worcester's Severn bridge.
This being left there by floodwater coming down the river, Janet Friend reports.
It has of course stopped all navigation on the river with an attempt hoping to start in the near future to clear it all out.
Leading the clear-up
Canal & River Trust are leading the clear-up of the debris, working with the local council, but can only do so when it is safe to begin the operation because of the high and rising river levels.
The Severn was hit by flooding in October but that did not have such an effect as now.
However it is raining today and even more rain is forecast for the weekend.
It will be a massive undertaking clearing the amount of debris as we are told even more is coming down river piling up on that already there.