There must be a leak

Published: Thursday, 14 November 2024

TIME and time again lack of water is causing stoppages on the Erewash Canal.

And this has been going on for months as Keith Gudgin reports.

erewashDrainedGates left open

Every so often the Canal & River Trust blame boaters telling it is caused by gates being left open as it did yesterday, Wednesday, this between Sandiacre Lock and Gallows Inn Lock.

But all boaters using the waterways know that leaving a gate open is impossible to drain a pound as both top and bottom gates cannot possibly be open at the same time, and so one set of gates must be closed that will of course hold the water.

And there are instances, particularly on the Grand Union where boaters are asked to leave a bottom gate open—yet no complaint about an empty pound!

Should investigate

So it is most likely another leak that is draining the Erewash so often that it should investigate, instead of blaming it customers.

One of our regular contributors who moors on the Erewash tells it is a 'menace' as all that is being done is they are draining one pound to fill another, that leaves the one above impassible and is a 'regular occurrence'.

On the 7th of November is was the same pound that was without water.