Fallen tree branch closes Trent moorings for over a month

Published: Wednesday, 16 October 2024

THE Trent moorings at Stoke Lock 10 are closed by a fallen tree branch and possibly more.

But this time it is no quick removal, as there will be no further information until the end of November, Keith Gudgin reports.

Canal & River Trust tell that a large branch has fallen from one of the trees near the approach moorings at Stoke Lock on the river.

Risk of further branches

It has cleared as much as it can, but there is a risk of further branches coming down.

So until arrangements can be made for the trees to be assessed and the required work to take place, the moorings cannot be used.

The whole area has been taped-off and signs erected as warning of the danger.of more falling branches.

There will not be further information until the end of November, but possibly sooner if any more information is available.