Would be alive today...

Published: Monday, 15 July 2024

ALL you can say about this matter is if the cyclist was travelling at a walking pace, writes Brian Dearden.

The lady who was killed by the cyclist, would be alive today.

He said, he was travelling at a moderate speed when he collided with the old lady. Moderate speed? 30mph?

Cyclists should give way

Cyclists should give way to pedestrians. What a load of rubbish.

The majority of cyclist you come across in their Lycra shorts and sunglasses are speed freaks, made worse by the tarmacadam towpaths, and expect pedestrians to give way to cyclists.

I can't believe the cyclist is question was found ''not guilty", what are the canal towpaths coming to?

It is now not save to walk these towpaths, particularly in towns and cities which are car free speed tracks. How long before the next death by a cyclist?