Victor tells of a new monthly record for stoppages
I was going to have this Sunday 'off'.
But thought it only right that I let you know about a new record.
And it is that June saw a total of 39 stoppages over a 30 days month! So now it's more than one stoppage a day!
The previous record was in July of last year when 31 stoppages occurred, so things are certainly getting worse. This Saturday alone there were stoppages on the Grand Union, the Oxford and the Lancaster.
And these stoppages are certainly affecting boaters, with CaRT actually admitting to a reduction in numbers of boats on its waterways and an increase in complaints. I will not repeat its figures, as we know their value!
But now even the Inland Waterways Association are claiming an increase in member dissatisfaction at the stoppages.
Poor standard of repair
What is worse is the poor standard of repairs, as time and time again a stoppage is cleared only to recur a short time later.
With some stoppages like the Winkwell Swing Bridge on the Grand Union failing time and time again, in fact it breaking down again this Saturday, that makes it three times this month—on the 8th, 13th and 29th, each given a different reason.
And our being told that the fault on the Lemonroyd Lock on the Aire & Calder was repaired—then failing again.
And how about the stoppage on the Macclesfield with the canal drained but little found, but still leaking so then drained again to discover not one, but two holes!
Costing Canal & River Trust a fortune
There is certainly something very wrong with a supposed repair being undertaken then the repair failing again so quickly.
It either shows a complete lack of knowledge by the people undertaking the repairs or them purposely making a bodge so as to get back again for an easy shift.
But whatever it is, it is costing Canal & River Trust a fortune. Especially when one lock repair on the Peak Forest took 10 months to complete.
Little wonder Canal & River Trust need more cash—but surely it needs to be spent more wisely...
Victor Swift—telling tales for 24 years