Soar Bridge cleared of sunken boat

Published: Saturday, 03 February 2024

THE narrowboat blocking the bridge on the Soar has been removed.

And so the river is now clear between Kings Lock and County Road Bridge (30), Keith Gudgin reports.

RiverSoarSunkQuickly on site

The boat broke from its moorings on the river in a flood and was jammed against the bridge, with River Canal Rescue quickly on site to remove it.

The normal way is to use a crane on the road bridge but permission has to be granted by the authorities that takes time.

So the rescue was attempted by a winch and a strong wire cable, which was somewhat dangerous as if it snapped attempting to pull the boat against the strong flood, it could easily snap and kill someone, so the many spectators were urged to stand back.

Into danger zone

This proved impossible as many silly people still came forward into the danger zone so the work could not continue, and then an extra surge of the flood came and sank the boat.

The blame clearly on those spectators.

However it has now been removed and the navigation re-opened.