Afer a seven weeks stoppage...
Published: Monday, 30 October 2023
IT WAS during the summer that Lock 87 on the Rochdale Nine was closed for seven weeks.
The heel post on Lock 87 became disconnected from the towpath side tailgate on the 6th of July, resulting in locks 84 and 91 becoming padlocked and the 'Rochdale Nine' closed until 30th August.
Not known
What was done during this time is not known, but a contributor tells us he walked past the lock yesterday, Sunday, and took this (taken from his video) stating:
"This is its condition after a lengthy stoppage that took weeks this summer. Clearly they have done nothing.
"Look at the alignment of the bottom gates that are spewing water from every direction."
Most sorry not so clear but have lost its detail transferring as an image—Editor.