It gets worse for the Weaver

Published: Monday, 07 August 2023

SADLY it only gets worse for the Weaver navigation, writes Dave Collins.

ValeRoyalSwingBridgeThis time of year two years ago there were hundreds of boats on the Weaver. Now Vale Royal Lock (pictured) is only used once a week if a small boat can actually fit in the lock.

They can't swing Vale Royal Lock Bridge, it's broken, given though it was refurbished at over a quarter of a million pounds just a few years ago.

Lock barely used

Hunt's Lock is now barely used, one or two boats every few days—knock-on effect of Vale Royal.

Sadly is this river navigation on the first wave of the Canal & River Trust's hit list of 'use it or lose it' closures?

Pretty sure they'll have a fine record of it not being used for the last few years, even if it is for their own lack of maintenance.