"It's a problem!"

Published: Monday, 11 July 2022

SO SAYS Helen Cripps as she attempted to leave Kilby Bridge on the Leicester Section this morning (Monday).

She telling us "It's a problem!" and sending the photograph of a pound below Kilby Bridge, and walking to the next pound discovered it in the same condition!

low leicsVandals

Contacting Canal & River Trust she was informed that it is caused by vandals—exactly as we were told in the past!—but she told the woman that that was ridiculous as taking the dog for a walk late in the evening the paddles were well down, as they were when they arrived at the lock early this morning. There had been no vandals!

These pounds dropping down into Leicester have suffered leakage for many years, ourselves being 'caught' twice, with the usual excuse from Canal & River Trust, but with the last 'word' from Helen:

"The only vandals here is Canal & River Trust for not maintaining them."