'Fairytale image of the benevolence to London boaters'

Published: Friday, 25 February 2022

THE Canal & River Trust's recent press release 'Charity committed to improving London's waterways for boaters' statement is contested by the National Bargee Travellers Association.

It tells it is trying to sell a fairytale image of its benevolence to boaters in London, with Ian McDowell, the London Branch Chairman stating:

Doesn't outweigh the negatives

"Any positives CRT is planning to do, doesn't outweigh the negatives that they are doing. With their monetisation of almost ¾ of a mile of towpath and their attempts to ban boaters from mooring in perfectly safe places on the River Lee, and lost mooring spaces in places like Paddington, Kings Cross, Harlesden, London will see a massive reduction in 14 day free to use moorings, not an increase.

"Their dredging program just scratches the surface as the result of their repeated failures to carry out much needed dredging in the past. It is imperative that we challenge CRT’s deluded fantasy whenever we can if the boating community in London is to survive."

Organising a march

The NBTA London along with the London boating community are organising a march on Canal & River Trust's Little Venice's office on Saturday 28th  March, starting at 1pm from Park Square in Regents Park NW1 4LH. (Nearby tube stations are Great Portland Street and Regent’s Park.)

For more information about the protest go here:
