The navigation is certainly not open.

Published: Thursday, 24 February 2022

WITH the opening of the Shardlow Flood Gate, Canal & River Trust state the navigation is now open.

The gate was closed by the Environmental Agency after the current flood and reopened yesterday at 4.30pm, yet just one hour before this our picture of the Flood Lock at Sawley (previously shown) was taken, so navigation, at least through there, is certainly not open, and it should have been made clear.


The further picture, shown, taken around the same time shows the level of the Trent below Derwent Mouth Lock, (black mark showing the tree at the lock) that can just be seen in the distance.

As the pictures were taken under 48 hours ago, there is little chance that the water has dropped enough for navigation, so the stoppage notice should have stated the navigation is only open above the Environment Agency Flood Lock, and certainly not below as it is certainly dangerous.

But as our Keith remarked when reporting the notice, 'dangerous' is not a word in CaRT's vocabulary!