Stuck at Hillmorton until December

Published: Wednesday, 10 November 2021

THE unannounced stoppage at Hillmorton locks described by Alan N Estherby is having an effect on other boaters.

Poor service of stoppage notices

Again it shows the poor service of stoppage notices issued by Canal & River Trust, not only giving 'incompetence and inaccurate stoppage information' as he stated, but others complaining of the results of such inaccurate information.

Brian D Jarrett writing: It’s one thing to give incorrect stoppage notices I guess it another to give no notice!

Just arrived at the top of Hillmorton locks to be told along with another seven boats that the locks are out until 19th December!

Managed to 'escape'

Fortunately, as I’m only 44ft, so I turned round just at the mouth of the twin locks, Brian added.

But of course through the lack of accurate stoppage information the many other boats at both the top and bottom of the flight at stuck until December.