Leaking lock gates are the problem

Published: Friday, 17 September 2021

I SHOULD imagine that your story of boaters opening all paddles on a lock would please CaRT as it gives an excuse for low water, writes Alice Trenhale.

But we all know that a couple of 'green' boaters having all the paddles on a lock open at once would make no difference as it is only for minutes until they learn better, no, it is the leaking gates, and having just returned from the Trent & Mersey, like yourselves, it is very obvious.

Every other canal

So before long there will be further restrictions as the water leaks from the locks and over the spills to be wasted, not only over those of the Trent & Mersey, but I can say with all confidence, from other locks under the jurisdiction of Canal & River Trust.

To my mind, passing the running of the canals into the hands of Canal & River Trust was the worst decision in the long history of our canals.