Not looking good for the Llangollen breach

Published: Friday, 16 April 2021

THE fact that Canal & River Trust are installing pumps on the Llangollen Canal breach is not looking good for its quick reopening.

It has been discovered that there is severe leakage from the waterway into the culvert after a partial survey, Keith Gudgin reports.

Cannot be halted

The pumps are being installed to keep the water supply to Hurleston Reservoir from the Horseshoe Falls in  Llangollen that cannot be halted for any length of time.

The engineers have been unable to undertake a survey of the full length of the culvert due to it being submerged with the amount of water from the waterway. So it is not yet known if a temporary repair or a full replacement of the culvert will be needed, but from the amount of water it would appear to be the latter.

Allowing boats to negotiate

At the moment the amount of water coming down the canal is allowing boats to negotiate, but it is not known how long for, and definitely not after Monday 19th April as dams will be installed and the canal dewatered.