Atherstone—by the boater who saw it all...

Published: Wednesday, 28 October 2020

THERE is no doubt whatsover that it was not vandals that caused the contretempts at Atherstone Flight as CaRT's Press Release maintained, but lack of equipment.

Boater Chris Phillips actually reported it and tells us:

Atherstone3Correct the mistake

As the person who reported the gate failure to CaRT and as one of many people who watched the attempt to rehang the gate the next day, please can I correct the mistake that seems to have crept in about who did the work.

The rehanging was attempted by CaRT's own staff.  Having spent most of the morning trying to hire winches to do the job (CaRT apparently has little or no repair kit) the team leader decided to go ahead with the kit they had.

Need for staff to have the right kit

As he admitted to me the next day as he visited the boats that were stranded—he made a mistake, they should have had a third winch but could not get one and he hoped that CaRT would realise the need for the staff to have the right kit available.

[Chris and Nb Faith is safely back on home moorings.]