THE Organisers of this year's 10th anniversary Moira Canal Festival are seeking volunteers to help out at the weekend event.
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A BOATER has been fined £750 for using his boat on the Thames without a licence.
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FOLLOWING the report in narrowboatworld of businesses leaving the Waterfront complex on the Dudley Canal, two more bars have now closed.
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AN EIGHT weeks project is being undertaken in partnership between British Waterways and Wolverhampton City Council to remove graffiti from the canal bridges in the town's network.
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HAVING held the price of its Certificate for three years, the Boat Safety Scheme has announce it is to increase the price to BSS Examiners.
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READING Borough Council is proposing to retain the leisure mooring by Tesco on the Thames, and extending it by 100 metres if the demand for use increases.
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THE Plans to make Bingley Five Rise and Three Rise locks on the Leeds & Liverpool Canal into a major heritage attraction have been hit by reduced funding.
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THE mother of student of Gavin Terry, who was the worse for drink and subsequently fell into the Aire & Calder Navigation, wants it fenced off.
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CAMBRIDGE County Council has obviously taken notice of the Middle Level Commissioners' threat to take action if it did not complete repairs to the footbridge over the Old River Nene in March.
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THE Government has this week approved the release of an imported bug which, it is believed, will attack Japanese knotweed.
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