WITH great pomp and ceremony, the opening of the £260 millions flagship Clarence Dock, was supposed to be the start of Leed's waterside revival.
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THERE is little doubt that mink are on the increase around the waterways, with our receiving many reports of their activities.
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A FREAK wave on the Don Navigation near Thorne caused a narrowboat to take in so much water that it sank.
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THOUGH there was a lack of boats over the Christmas period, the New Year saw a marked difference.
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SOME readers of narrowboatworld have expressed concern over the robustness of British Waterways' tree management policy. Here, Vince Moran, British Waterways Operations Director addresses those questions.
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I WOULD like to respond to Orph Mable's post on 16th December about the aim of the Canal & River Trust—Sorry about the delay, Christmas and all that, writes John Dodwell.
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RATHER topical at the moment, and somewhat embarrassing for British Waterways, as one of its vans as been crushed by an unsafe canal side tree.
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A MAN suspected of the murder of the woman discovered in the Grand Union Canal at Southall has been charged.
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WHILTON Marina on the Grand Union Canal has acquired Venetian Marina on the Middlewich Branch of the Shropshire Union Canal.
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I WOULD like to say 'thank you' to all of you who have wished me well over my recent illness, that was greatly appreciated. (The thanks not the illness!)
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