Not so experienced

Published: Monday, 29 September 2014

I read that Wyvern Shipping who own the hire boat that sank in Kegworth Deep say that the crew were experienced boaters, which I very much doubt, writes T. Lang.

All experienced boaters take their boat right forward to the bottom gates when going down a lock, with no exceptions as I do and I know you do too having shared a few broad locks with you on the Grand Union.

Drop the paddles

So how come 'experienced boaters' leave the boat at the back of a lock when going down and how come 'experienced boaters' don't have the sense to immediately drop the paddles when seeing the boat is tilting, and thus prevent it sinking.  With such a long boat as seen in the picture it must have gone down a long way before water went in, giving plenty of time to do something about it.

Or is it the old, old hire problem of hirers not getting enough tuition?