Johnson to go

Published: Wednesday, 13 November 2013

THE Legal & Corporate Services Director of the Canal & River Trust, Nigel Johnson, will now retire at the end of 2013, after almost 14 years of service at the Trust and British Waterways combined.

Nigel told the chairman and former chief executive of his wish to retire this year back in April, but it was agreed he would stay on until the end of the year to assist the transition to the new chief executive.


Richard Parry, the Trust's chief executive since July, explained:

"I am very grateful to Nigel for staying on to assist with my introduction to the Trust over the past few months. It was immediately clear to me that his vast experience and in depth knowledge has been instrumental in the Trust's successful launch. His skilful handling of numerous complex issues has been extremely helpful to me as I have established myself in the role. I am sorry now to lose that experience and knowledge but I know that the strong team that he has developed is well-equipped to take up the task in the future."

The position will not be replaced, instead Jackie Lewis, the Trust's Head of Legal, will henceforward report direct to Richard Parry and take on the new title of general counsel. Keith Labbett, Head of Internal Audit will also report to Richard, and continue to support the work of the Trust's Audit Committee. Finance director Philip Ridal will also become Company Secretary for the Trust, drawing on his experience of fulfilling similar roles prior to joining British Waterways/the Trust.