Continuous cruisers get association

Published: Wednesday, 25 September 2013

THIS Friday sees the launch of another boaters' association, this time its purpose is to look after the interests of continuous cruisers.

The Association of Continuous Cruisers will come into being this Friday, 27th September 2013, with its stated intention of 'providing support and advice to its members'.

Many issues

In a Press Release, it is stated:

'The Association of Continuous Cruisers feels that many of the issues that continuous cruisers face (such as access to medical treatment, and the provision of winter moorings) are unique to continuous cruisers, and the Association intends to provide advocacy and support to its members in tackling these and other day-to-day issues.

One of the core tenets of the Association of Continuous Cruisers' mission is to represent the interests of its members and ensure that the Canal & River Trust hear their voices, by building a positive working relationship with the Trust in perpetuity'.

Articles of Association

We are not aware as to whether there are any Articles of Association, but only that its founder members are John Sloan, Steve Jenkins, Leslie Jordan, Louise Yeoman, Owen Davies, Leslie Lyndon, Stan Thomas, Roni Payne and two others not wishing to be named.

At present there is an interim secretary and treasurer.

Lesley Jordan, a founder member tells us:

"Continuous cruisers make up a small but significant demographic of boaters. Up until now, there has been no formal organisation with the sole purpose of advocating for continuous cruisers, a situation that has weakened the voice and negotiating power of individual continuous cruisers when dealing with the Canal & River Trust and other organisations."

CaRT in favour

It is understood that CaRT is in favour of the association, with its Richard Parry proclaiming:

We hope the new Association will help improve communications and mutual understanding between continuous cruisers, the Trust and other boating groups. The more we all work together the more we can improve the waterways we all care for."

Regular meetings for Association of Continuous Cruisers members will be held across the waterways system, with members and potential members encouraged to keep in touch online, and by spreading the word to other boaters that they meet on their travels. Roving traders such as coal boats and other cruising businesses that cover large parts of the network will also be used to spread the word and keep the Association's members up to date.

Official launch

The official launch of the Association of Continuous Cruisers will be on Friday at the Birmingham Floating Market event on the same date, which is organised by continuous cruisers to highlight the contribution that roving traders make to the canal system.
Anyone wishing further information should contact John Sloan at:

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